Stone Angel at Bergh Apton Church, School Road, Bergh Apton, NR15 1BX  Saturday 12th October 7pm

Stone Angel BA Church lge

Stone Angel are a Norfolk folk rock band.

We invite you to sample the marvellous tapestry of sound woven by the band. Hear for yourself the legacy of five decades of music ranging from long lost mediaeval gems, modern arrangements of traditional tunes and new compositions - all giving the band an individual and mesmerising identity.

They were last with us in 2017 and we'd booked them to return in 2020 BUT ....... !!!

During that long COVID-enforced break, they produced a new album, 'Wake', and we're delighted to welcome them back to Bergh Apton this autumn.

Between them, Ken & Joan Saul, Andrew Smith, David Felmingham and Geoff Hurrell offer virtuosity on too many instruments – traditional and modern – to mention them all.

You can hear examples of their sound on their website: and maybe gain a flavour of the mists and mysteries of the Norfolk Broads and the lonely marshlands of East Anglia.

Tickets: £12.  Advance booking requested

01508 480576 - PLEASE leave a message

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