Article Index
CAMBS STEPDANCE: The George Inn, 1 Ramsay Rd, Ramsay Forty Foot, Huntingdon PE26 2XN.. Traditional freestyle stepping to live music Sun 29th Jan 3.00pm. Free of charge, no partner needed, wear hard soles shoes. All Welcome.
CAMBRIDGE CONTRA DANCE CLUB: Alternate Fri 8pm. St Andrews Church Hall, St Andrews Road,Chesterton, CB4 1DH Hugh Stewart 01223 368641
CAMBRIDGE American Contra Dance: The Stonyard Centre 43 St Andrew's St , Cambridge CB2 3AR. 7.45 - 11.00pm The first 15mins are a brief introduction to contra dancing. Next dances are 25th March, 29th April, 20th May, 30th September, 28th October, 18th November √
CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL CLUB: International folk dance. 2Nd & 4th Mon 8.00pm. Gibson Hall, St Columbas Downing Place 01480 468359
CAMBRIDGE SCOTTISH SOCIETY DANCE CIRCLE: Thurs 8pm. Unitarian Hall, Victoria Street. Donald Wilson 01954 210683
CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY STRATHSPEY & REEL CLUB: Mon ( social dance) Wed (joint with RSCDS) 8-10pm contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
THE ROUND (Cambridge University English Country Dance Club) Thursdays in University term 8pm. Wesley Church Hall, King St. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
ROYAL SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCE SOCIETY: Classes Tues & Wed eves. Ladies step dance monthly Sun afternoons. Highland monthly on Thur eves. Lindsey Ibbotson 07977 905291
CAPRIOL SOCIETY FOR EARLY DANCE: Tues 7.45pm. St. Mark's Church Hall, Barton Road, Newnham. Angela Dyer 01799 521257 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
HARSTON & HASLINGFIELD FOLK DANCE CLUB Village Halls on Tues (not July&Aug). Venue & info: email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Clive Blower 01223 870741
HEARTSEASE & ST NEOTS SWEEPS & MILKMAIDS: Thur 8.15pm not summer term. Eynesbury C of E Primary School, Montagu Street, Eynesbury, PE19 2TD. Patti Pitt 01234 376278
HILTON REELS: Hilton Village Hall. First & Third Weds Oct to April 8pm. Torrie Smith 01223 264054 / 07711 147277
PETERBOROUGH FOLK DANCE CLUB: Weds 7.30-9.30pm. Meeting May, June & July. On 24th July we finish the year with a Party. No meeting in August. Club starts again on wednesday 4th Sept. Marholm Village Hall. PE6 7JA. Christine Bunting on 01733 264524 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
TRIPLE A SQUARE DANCE CLUB. Fri 7.45-10.15pm.The Village Hall, High St, Hemingford Abbots. Wendy Ward This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.